from __future__ import annotations # for Class forward reference import random import uuid from typing import ClassVar class Node: """ Should be subclassed only """ # Class Var for statistics deepest_level: ClassVar[int] = 0 largest_sibling_number: ClassVar[int] = 0 all_nodes: ClassVar[list[Node]] = [] def __init_subclass__(cls): """ each subclass must define its own ClassVar """ # TODO to be renamed for clarity super().__init_subclass__() cls.deepest_level: ClassVar[int] = 0 cls.largest_sibling_number: ClassVar[int] = 0 cls.all_nodes: ClassVar[list[Node]] = [] return cls def __new__(cls, name: str, parent: Node | None = None) -> None: """ prevent the user to set the same name for 2 nodes ??? better to do it with uuid? """ for n in cls.all_nodes: if name == raise AttributeError('Node with this name already exists') else: return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self, name: str, parent: Node | None = None) -> None: = name self.parent = parent # is set with add_child self.children: list[Node] = [] = uuid.uuid4() type(self).all_nodes.append(self) def add_child(self, child: Node) -> None: """ Add new child node to current instance :param child: Node object """ child.parent = self if not in [ for c in self.children]: self.children.append(child) if child.level > type(self).deepest_level: type(self).deepest_level = child.level if len(self.children) > type(self).largest_sibling_number: type(self).largest_sibling_number = len(self.children) else: raise Exception('Child with same name already exists') @property def siblings(self) -> list[Node]: """ Returns all the siblings of the Node object """ if self.has_siblings(): return self.parent.children @property def parents(self) -> list[Node]: """ Returns all the ancestors of the Node object """ parents = [] p = self while p.has_parent(): p = p.parent parents.append(p) return parents @property def level(self) -> int: """ Returns the level of the Node object """ level = 0 p = self while p.has_parent(): level += 1 p = p.parent return level @property def path(self) -> str: """ Returns a representation of the ancestor lineage of self """ path = '' for p in reversed(self.parents): path +='.' path += return path def is_sibling(self, other: str) -> bool: """ Check if Node object is a sibling of the other Node object :param other: Other Node object to be compared with """ if other in [ for s in self.siblings]: return True else: return False def is_child(self, other: str) -> bool: """ Check if Node object is a child of the other Node object """ if other in [ for s in self.children]: return True else: return False def pretty_print(self, option: str = 'default') -> None: """ Print children tree from current instance """ dashes = ' '*self.level+'|'+'--'*self.level+' ' if option == 'id': dashes += f'[{}] ' print(f'{dashes}{}') for c in self.children: c.pretty_print(option) def has_parent(self) -> bool: """ check if Node object has a parent or not """ if self.parent is not None: return True return False def has_children(self) -> bool: """ check if Node object has one child at least """ if self.children is not None: return True return False def has_siblings(self) -> bool: """ check if Node object has one sibling at least """ if self.has_parent() and self.parent.has_children() \ and len(self.parent.children) > 0: return True return False def get_child(self, name: str) -> Node | None: """ find and returns a child with specified name. None if nothing found """ for c in self.children: if == name: return c return None def get_sibling(self, name: str) -> Node | None: """ find and returns a sibling with specified name. None if nothing found """ for c in self.siblings: if == name: return c return None def get_children(self, name: str) -> list[Node]: # refactoring, recursion is not good results = [] if == name: results.append(self) for c in self.children: results += c.get_children(name) return results @staticmethod def check_lineage(nodes: list[Node]) -> bool: """ check if the list of nodes is a straight lineage: node 1 (ancestor) -> node 2 -> node 3 -> ... -> node n (grand children) """ for i in range(1, len(nodes)): if nodes[i].parent != nodes[i-1]: return False return True @classmethod def reset_stats(cls) -> None: """ reset all the ClassVar members """ cls.deepest_level = 0 cls.largest_sibling_number = 0 cls.all_nodes = [] @classmethod def create_random_nodes(cls, type_: str = 'cmd', depth: int = 0) -> Node: """ Creates random tree of nodes for testing purpose """ def create_node(level, i): id_ = len(cls.all_nodes) + 1 return cls(f'{type_}_'+str(id_)) def create_node_list(level: int, width: int = 5): return [create_node(level, i) for i in range(random.randint(1, width))] def create_arg_tree(arg: cls): if arg.level < depth: for a in create_node_list(arg.level): arg.add_child(a) create_arg_tree(a) return arg arg = cls('parser') return create_arg_tree(arg) def __lt__(self, other): return self.level < other.level def __gt__(self, other): return self.level > other.level def __le__(self, other): return self.level <= other.level def __ge__(self, other): return self.level >= other.level def __str__(self) -> str: return if __name__ == "__main__": # while True: # master_node = Node.create_random_nodes(depth=3, type_='cmd') # node_list = [master_node, master_node.children[0], # master_node.children[0].children[0]] # random.shuffle(node_list) # print([ for n in node_list]) # print(Node.check_lineage(node_list)) # input('pause') class Person(Node): pass bob = Person('Bob') eve = Person('Eve') alice = Person('Alice') # Alice is parent of bob and eve alice.add_child(bob) alice.add_child(eve) alice.pretty_print(option = 'id') print(